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Biografia Artistica Essenziale
nato a Bergamo nel 1962
risiede e lavora a Carobbio degli Angeli (BG) in largo Italia, 1
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I.R. con "Flessuosità" (opera trafugata).
Diplomatosi nell'anno 1981, negli anni '90 intraprende la strada della pittura ad olio, acrilico, con smalti, inchiostri, su tela, lamiera, cartone, legno. Esegue acquerelli, disegni a carboncino, sanguigna e matita; realizza opere con post-it ed utilizza lastre radiografiche per rappresentazioni bi/tri-dimensionali. Frequenta dal 1994 i corsi di scultura, modellato, creta, Raku, incisione quali puntasecca, cera-molle ed acquaforte tenuti dal maestro Maurizio Previtali, del quale, nel corso degli anni, diventa assistente. Sperimenta le patine bronzo o i colaggi plastici, lavora il gesso, sia per creare stampi che per formare opere finite. Esegue opere in bronzo a cera persa, curando il ritocco delle cere e la patinatura finale ed opere in vetroresina, poliuretano, resina poliestere, materiali sintetici, gomme, carta stagnola, insetti, petali, materiali di riciclo ed altro. Realizza stampi in gomma siliconica per riprodurre multipli. Inizia ad esporre nel 1995, ed in alcuni concorsi vince premi significativi. Alcune sue opere fanno parte di collezioni private, di enti museali ed associazioni culturali, in Italia e all'estero.
He was born in Bergamo in 1962. He lives and work in Carobbio degli Angeli (BG) (italy). He started the way of oil painting on canvas; He also uses the acrylic-color, the enamels, the inks, also painture on paper, wood and other. He performs, besides, water-colors, charcoal and pencil drawing. He has attended since 1994 the courses of modeled of the clay, held by the teacher Maurizio Previtali, of which, during the years, he became assistant.From him he has learnt the fundamental techniques and the secrets to realize works in clay of good workmanship. He has learnt to model all-around and to "colombino" (wick), the technique Raku, the second-fire, the use of enamels, earths, oxides, graphite, waxes, combustions, and he performs endless experimentations, that create amazing results as the patinas bronze.He also performs works in bronze to lost-wax, of which he takes care of the salient passages as the retouch of the waxes and the patinations.He works the chalk both to cast a mould and to create objects.He attends the course of sculpture of the stone (of Sarnico) that allows him to learn the techniques to carve the stone, marble, alabaster. He also attends a course of engraving that allows him to use techniques like puntasecca, ceramolle or varnish-rubber bands and etching. He began to expose his works in 1995, and he has won revealing prizes.
Er begann den Weg der Ölmalerei auf der Leinwand. Er benutzt auch Acryl-Farbe, Emaille, Tusche, auch Malen auf Papier, Holz und anderen Untergründen. Er bringt neben Aquarellfarben, Kohle und Bleistift-Zeichnungen zur Geltung. Er hat es zum Allrounder geschafft; "colombino" (Docht), die Raku-Technik, zweites Feuer, die Verwendung von Emaille, Erden, Oxiden, Graphit, Wachse, Verbrennungen in sein Werk zu integrieren und er führt endlose Experimente durch, die in erstaunlichen Ergebnissen wie der Patina Bronze resultieren. Er arbeitet auch in Bronze zu Wachsausschmelzverfahren, um die er sich selbst kümmert, insbesondere die wichtigsten Phasen wie die Retusche der Wachse und der Patina. Er bearbeitet Kreide, sowohl um eine Gießform zu erhalten, als auch zum Erstellen von Objekten. Er besucht den Kurs der Steinskulptur (von Sarnico), in dem er die Techniken des Stein-, Marmor- und Alabasterschnitzens erlernt. Er besucht einen Gravurkurs, welcher ihm ermöglicht, Techniken wie Puntasecca, Ceramolle oder Lack-Gummibänder und Radierung zu nutzen. Er begann seine Arbeiten im Jahr 1995 aus zu stellen und hat erstaunliche Preise gewonnen.